Frequently Asked Questions

When Should I Register My Mark?

You should register as soon as it becomes valuable to your business. Our flat fee of $1600 makes it easy for business owners to make this decision. Without registration, you run the risk that another company could use your mark or even stop you from using your mark. If this is worth at least $1600 to your business, you’re probably ready to register.

How Much Does This Really Cost?

$1600. Really. Flat fees make it easier for you to save your mark. That’s why we offer them. For $1600 we will: 

  • schedule a trademark consultation with our trademark attorneys;
  • research your mark and its competitors;
  • prepare a report outlining your mark’s viability;
  • file an application with the USPTO;
  • make any amendments the USPTO requires; and
  • make adjustments to help ensure your mark is saved!

What Could Make My Mark Cost More?

Classifications. The USPTO grants trademark registrations based on a classification system. Each category of your business is a different classification. You only need one classification to file. For some businesses, it makes sense to add additional classifications. This means an added fee to the USPTO. During your initial consultation, we’ll figure out if this is necessary for you. 

Additional Marks. Each application covers one mark. A mark can be a logo, slogan, brand name, or a combination of these items. If you want to file for more than one mark, the USPTO charges additional fees. Our $1600 flat fee covers one application. We’ll cover this in our first consultation, too.

We can add additional classifications and include a State trademark for a small fee.

Do I need a State or Federal Registration?

A federal trademark protects you in all 50 states. This is important when your business reaches other states – even if that’s just online. 

State trademark registrations can be helpful because:

  • They are usually faster;
  • You can use state law to bring a lawsuit against infringing users;
  • State registration can boost local credibility.

State registrations are $100 plus the filing fee which varies by state.

How Long Does Registration Take?

Registration can take anywhere from 8 months to a little over a year. This is why it’s a good idea to file as soon as your mark becomes valuable to you. During this time, we will work with the USPTO attorneys to structure your registration in the way that best protects your brand, in your market, for your business. 

The process is thorough because branding is important. By the end, the government recognizes your mark as a legitimate property interest. 

How Can I get started?

Book an appointment with us by calling (888) 519-2215.

Reach out to us

Our website provides general information about us, the types of cases that we handle, and general legal principles. It does not constitute legal advice. The best way to get guidance on your specific legal issue is to contact a lawyer. To schedule a meeting with one of the Save Your Mark attorneys, please complete the form.