Trademark Services

What is a Trademark?

A trademark is any word, image, slogan, sound, or design that indicates who provided a good or service. Essentially, this type of intellectual property (IP) tells a consumer where the product came from. More importantly for business owners, a registered trademark stops competitors from using the same or similar words, images, slogans, or sounds to sell similar goods and services.

Here are some examples:

  • The Golden Arches Logo
  • The slogan “I’m lovin’ it”

  • A name like McDonald’s
  • An invention like a technical process, machine, manufactured good, or chemical formula probably needs a patent.

  • A song, book, film, or other original creative work requires a copyright instead.

Protect your Brand. Save your Mark!

You’ve spent countless hours and thousands of dollars to establish your company and ensure that it stands out from competitors. Your customers instantly recognize the quality behind your product and service, and that is no mistake. That’s branding!

Your brand is the first thing a customer sees when interacting with your business, and that first impression can make all of the difference. That brand can immediately convey quality, craftsmanship, and value. At the foundation of a strong brand is a Trademark. At Save Your Mark, we help establish your trademark so you can formally protect the use of a name, logo, slogan, or packaging. Stop competitors from stealing your brand and using your hard work for their profit, and save your mark today.

Let’s get started

What are the Benefits of a Trademark?

Formally establishes a “start date” for your first use of the brand.

Tells competitors to “stay away” and warns them not to trade on your hard work.

Opens the door for you to use the Court system to stop competitors from using your brand (and get damages from their use and abuse of your brand).

The Federal Government will help stop infringement of your brand.

A Federal Trademark increases the value of your brand in the eyes of the community and investors.

Creates a potential revenue stream from licensing.




  • One-on-One brand consultation to help you register the strongest trademark possible and outline strategies to maximize your trademark in your marketing.
  • Comprehensive prior art report outlining threats (and opportunities) for your brand.
  • Hand-crafted trademark application completed by a licensed attorney – no computers filling in forms.
  • Direct monitoring of your application from filing to the government’s final decision.
  • A licensed trademark attorney in your corner to fight against office actions and advocate for your trademark
  • Peace of mind knowing that you’ve got professionals handling your trademark while you focus on your business

Reach out to us

Our website provides general information about us, the types of cases that we handle and general legal principles. It does not constitute legal advice. The best way to get guidance on your specific legal issue is to contact a lawyer. To schedule a meeting with one of the Save Your Mark attorneys, please complete the form.